Clan Alpine
The Clan Alpine district was organized in January 1864 and centered around silver mining in Florence Canyon. In 1866, a 10-stamp mill was erected at the mouth of Cherry Creek by the Silver Lode Mining Co. and the camp of Clan Alpine was born. A post office opened March 12 of that year.
By 1868, the veins had played out and the camp was abandoned. The post office closed May 21, and by 1869 all mill equipment had been moved to White Pine County.
In the coming years the area would see very little mining, although it would see agricultural developments beginning in the 1870s. At one point, the old mill shell was even used as a barn! During the next years a settlement of about fifty would exist, and the community would be home to a store, physician, school and a stage service to Stillwater. A post office, now known only as Alpine, would operate from August 6, 1894 until November 14, 1914.
Today, the Alpine and Clan Alpine Ranches are active and only stone walls remain of the original mining camp (on private property!).