Westgate, like Middlegate and Eastgate, got its name from James Simpson in 1850. Simpson was commissioned by the government to survey a route across the rugged West. A Pony Express station may have operated here, and this was the point where the route split into two routes; the earlier, Southern route continued toward Sand Springs while the newer, Northern route continued toward Fairview Station and Mountain Wells. The two routes rejoined at Miller's or Reed's Station east of Dayton. It's probable that an Overland Stage Station was operated at Westgate as well.
A small amount of mining occured as early as 1907 in Westgate and an extensive townsite plat was filed that year. In February 1939, a 35-ton cyanide mill was completed by the Westgate Mining & Milling Co., owned by E.S. Montgomery. The mill operated predominantly on ores from the Nevada Wonder mine, but also from other mines in the area including the Nevada Hills in Fairview and Gold Ledge in Eastgate City.
Westgate was also the site of a Civilian Conservation Corps camp in the late 1930s. The large camp was built on the north side of the Lincoln Highway, and David Larkin Bradford notes that there was a service station in operation at that time. The CCC Camp was dismantled about 1943, but numerous foundations and ruins remain including that of a swimming pool.