
Though George Lovelock located silver ore on the eastern side of the Trinity Range in 1859, it wasn't until June 1863 that the Trinity District was established. A new camp, Trinity, emerged with a hotel, market, and several rock cabins. Small crude smelters treated ore and, after fall 1864, a five-stamp mill was built at the largest producer: the Evening Star. A year later, however, that mill was relocated to Oreana to treat ore from the Montezuma Mine at Arabia. Nevertheless, Trinity made several shipments before 1870 when the mines gave out and the camp was abandoned.

The mines in Trinity Canyon saw a brief revival when they were worked by lessees in the mid-1910s, and in 1934 the old Evening Star was purchased by Clayton Mendham. Mendham and associates reopened the mine and shipped ore worth $90/ton, and in 1935 installed a 5-ton Gibson mill. Work continued intermittently until 1942, with some placer prospecting done for another two decades thereafter.
