
In 1916 or 17, tungsten ore was discovered on the southeastern slope of the Eugene Mountains by Emil Stank. Two 125-ton concentrators were constructed in 1918 by competing companies, the Nevada-Humboldt Tungsten Mine Co. and the Pacific Tungsten Co., and by 1919 the camp of Tungsten formed. In 1924, the Pacific Tungsten Co. was purchased by the Nevada-Massachusetts Co., and the Humboldt Tungsten mine shortly thereafter. The Nevada-Massachusetts began operations in May 1925, and in 1930 the main mill's capacity was increased. Save for a lull in 1932, the operations at Tungsten were continuous for nearly three decades, during which time it produced most of the nation's tungsten. A post office opened on May 26, 1944.

Tungsten's demise began in 1958 when the federal government stopped purchasing tungsten. The post office closed on October 12, 1962 and that same year all surface equipment and houses were sold.

See Also
Mill City
