Copper City

Copper City was a small tent camp that sprang up a few miles north of Gold Butte and below the Lincoln mine around 1907. Most mining ceased in the Gold Butte District after 1910, but some copper was shipped between 1912 and 1918; it is unknown whether this was from Copper City or elsewhere in the district.

Copper City's greatest claim to fame is as the site of the death of John R. Ward. Ward and another man, Fremont Cobb, were well-known claimholders at Copper City. After disputes between the two, Ward entered Cobbs's tent demanding a duel during the evening of April 25, 1907; Cobb shot and killed Ward on the spot. After his arrest, the grand jury determined the killing to be in self-defense, and Cobb was released.

Gold Butte National Monument
Gold ButteCopper City
Whitney PocketFalling Man
Little Finland
