
The initial discovery that led to the establishment of Goldfield was made by Harry Stimler and William Marsh on December 4, 1902 north of Columbia Peak. Though Goldfield was established first, the townsite of Stimler was laid out at the base of Columbia Peak in February 1904. Within a month, the name was changed to Columbia. Though thirty-seven lots were sold by mid-March, Columbia's biggest boost occurred in mid-April when a pipeline from Rabbit Springs was completed, delivering water to the new town.

By 1908, Columbia had a population of 1500, with about 51 businesses including two hotels, six restaurants and saloons, four grocery and merchandise stores, two barber shops, a dentist, doctor, and a depot on the Tonopah & Goldfield Railroad. In the middle part of that year, the townsite of North Goldfield was created, which included the entire town of Columbia. Nevertheless, Columbia kept its name and its own distinct identity.

When Goldfield began its decline in the 1910s, so too did Columbia. The Rabbit Springs pipeline was removed in mid-1918, followed by the post office's closure in 1919, and Columbia quietly faded.

Goldfield District
GoldfieldCons. Mill
Slaughterhouse Cyn
