Slaughterhouse Canyon

Slaughterhouse Canyon was the location of the Goldfield-Columbia Ice & Cold Storage Company's ice plant and cold storage facility, completed in mid-1905. The two-story wooden building cost about $40,000 and was capable of producing ten tons of ice each day. In addition to the main facility, an indoor swimming pool was built and supplied with warm water from Slaughterhouse Spring. This was known as the Crystal Baths and served as a spa retreat for Goldfield residents. In 1914, the facility was taken over by the Tonopah & Goldfield Meat Co. (with whom the Ice & Cold Storage Co. shared an office), after which it operated for four more years with an onsite butcher shop.

In 1936, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) repaired and reinforced the old swimming pool, adding a new windmill-driven pump. From there, some 30,000 feet of pipe supplied water to the Goldfield Cemetery, where eighteen faucets were installed. It is not known when the swimming pool finally went dry.

Goldfield District
GoldfieldCons. Mill
Slaughterhouse Cyn
